Tuesday, December 15, 2009


What a treat and honor for me to have been invited to give a lecture at
the Science of Mind Study Group! Olga arranged it and after a full day of running around we ended up in a very nice meeting room and awaited folks to come.

Olga gave me several topics to speak on and I chose- "Loving and Accepting Yourself." Interesting that this topic is one to be explored by all humanity regardless of your government. This has been something that I have certainly held under deep contemplation for what seems like all of my life. So I guess that makes me an expert! We had a great group--Nastia was a wonderful translator...only she knows what I really said!

I will say this presentation was a highlight for me. It was symbolic that our teaching of Truth was being presented in Russia the same time as the World Parliament of Religions
where the New Thought Religions
were being recognized for the first
time. Wow!

I was given a cool calendar with
pictures of all the churches and
monuments that I visited...I am grateful!

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