Friday, November 13, 2009


For those of you who have never traveled in Europe with me don't know that I have a real thing for rod iron. I have pictures of door, fences, lights and windows. I can't explain it but I am so drawn to the shapes and patterns--I think it's so artistic--I'm sharing one of the designs with you.! My class started--it's a challenge to work with an interpreter because I have to talk so slow and wait for the translation but overall it went well--we're a small group. We wore masks in support of the Government closing public places however most of the town has not. Next week is the last week of the closings.
The Prime Minister of Ukraine called for the closings. She is running for President in 2010 and they are saying she made that move in hopes of pushing the elections back to May which would give her more time to campaign---politics and drama----part of every country...


  1. Hola dear friend! I thought of you today as the new yogurt place finally opened, the place next to It's a Grind coffee cafe. It's called Swirls and is justing waiting for you.
    Miss you Lori. Great blog -keep up the good work.
    PS - mind over matter; healthy bodies don't succumb to flu bugs...

  2. Hi Lor, Love you wrought iron artistic eye! Glad the class is going well, translator and masks, excluded!!

