Wednesday, December 16, 2009


One of the reasons I really wanted to push to go to Russia--because of all the hoops we jumped through--we could have given it up many times! I knew this trip would be special--I wouldn't be getting on a bus with a group of 75 year olds and our tour guide-Evonne--who would have us out in Red Square telling us how many gallons of paint it took to paint it. I LOVED having Nastia navigating our way--her personal loving touch on things, her making sure I had my purse zipped and being there. I was so grateful we could stay with a Moscow resident- Olga-that she did all the paperwork from her end. To stay with her, we lived as though we lived in Moscow. And I knew that I would never have the chance to travel this way in Russia, again. All of the possibilities that I hoped would take place, did!


The church was absolutely incredible! This was our last day and we started early-10am. This was the crown glory for the Russian Orthodox church in Moscow. The large vaulted ceilings with their ornate frescoes--what a treat! What I like to do is get in the center of a church like this and look straight upward-the scene was the figure of Christ holding a small child with a light and halo coming from it. I think the challenge for me is looking up and not loosing my balance!


This handsome man shared our bunk with us. He slipped out at one of the stops and bought this lion for his little boy--dad's going to get a warm welcome!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


What a treat and honor for me to have been invited to give a lecture at
the Science of Mind Study Group! Olga arranged it and after a full day of running around we ended up in a very nice meeting room and awaited folks to come.

Olga gave me several topics to speak on and I chose- "Loving and Accepting Yourself." Interesting that this topic is one to be explored by all humanity regardless of your government. This has been something that I have certainly held under deep contemplation for what seems like all of my life. So I guess that makes me an expert! We had a great group--Nastia was a wonderful translator...only she knows what I really said!

I will say this presentation was a highlight for me. It was symbolic that our teaching of Truth was being presented in Russia the same time as the World Parliament of Religions
where the New Thought Religions
were being recognized for the first
time. Wow!

I was given a cool calendar with
pictures of all the churches and
monuments that I visited...I am grateful!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Here I am journal ling so I can relay my trip to you--I've got the only colored shirt I brought- brilliant red. Moscow is very fashionable--most women wear high heeled boots-I don't know
how they do it--especially in the snow!

We walked through the neatest park that ended up at what
used to be a palace (perhaps I lived there in another life!?) but now it is a museum with Moscow artifacts. We made it there
on Monday so it wasn't open but because we study Religious Science, we had a great time enjoying the outdoor and admiring the architecture. I like the way snow flakes show up in the picture of Nastia and I--they look like snowballs but they aren't.
Sergui had joined us for most of the day before heading home.
We headed home too--first went to the market--they asked what I wanted and said Chicken--When we first arrived, Olga had prepared "fish in gelatin" which was a Russian specialty.

I looked like Jello but there were pieces of fish underneath and little garnish that showed were the squares were. Since I always say "Yes" when I'm a guest in someones home, I tried it and it was good! The chicken was much better--bread and butter, boiled potatoes--instant coffee and Eagle Brand milk---did I mention I put on a few pounds here with this hearty eating?

Saturday, December 12, 2009


It's a Ukraine and Russian tradition that when you get married you run around to all the famous buildings and monuments and get your picture taken. Since I've been here 3 months I've seen lots of wedding parties. Another thing they do is to place engraved locks-in both Moscow and Cherkasy on bridges. It's symbolic that they are "locked" together. This is a picture of yours truly looking over the Moscow river. I look like Mary Poppins in a snow storm!


The feisty Russian man is Sergui--he's a friend of Ira and Alex and was the perfect person to show us around since he's born and raised in Moscow. I got us to Red Square and in line for the Lenin Mausoleum. He knew all the KGB buildings and made sure we saw the stars atop all the buildings that were part of the Kremlin. Fortunately we found a souvenir place but I missed out on postcards of the "ornate Kremlin
church"--my favorite. We stumbled on a theatre and Sergui sprang for tickets. The theatre was beautiful...very, very old...but nice. The play was a folktale...great costumes...I kind of knew what was going on. I didn't ask Nastia to translate, I wanted her to enjoy it!

Friday, December 11, 2009


Nastia and I at Red Square--the snow has begun to dust the ground. I pictured Soviet troops marching around the square. We had a "tour guide" for the day-Sergue-he went to University with Ira's husband. He was so great about taking us around-he knew the Metro like
the back of his hand. He pointed out the KGB building and had lots of facts to share about the area.
Moscow is very expensive and the people seemed a little cold (I could be projecting) They
seemed very resourceful and proud of their
heritage--I got all that without through translation!!


It really as a dream for me to go to Russia. I could not have done a trip like that without a translator--not only did I not understand every sign, it wouldn't have helped to ask someone what the sign said. Nastia, a 25 year old angel made Moscow come alive for me. She thought ahead and got the Metro passes and tickets for the trolley buses.
The trip--17 hours on the train--was smooth. We were in the "cheap beds" with the locals. We had a wonderful meal of bread and cheese and chocolate before we hit our beds. My Ipod was great company but I loved the sound of the train moving across the track. This photo is of Olga and I in her flat having tea. I met her at the conference-she met us at the train station. We shared her flat with 2 cats-the flat has been in her family for many years. That is the most common way to get into real estate.

Friday, December 4, 2009


This is Ira and I at the girl's sauna night-every Friday
night this group of gals get together in these
sauna "suites" 5 rooms plus a place to change--big table where we brought in food and beer and then there was the sauna--shower--room to sit and talk--what a way to be in with the locals!
I was exhausted and couldn't understand anything anyways--their munches were smoked fish with bones, smoked string cheese, fried bread and cabbage salad. The sauna felt GREAT--how do you like my "do-rag"?

I leave today for Moscow--if I don't get an email out, I retrun Dec 10 with lots of Russian pictures--Very excited to travel like a local--much love!